Gossamer Bio was named in symbolism of the gossamer thread, the fragile connection that binds all relationships in life. The name Gossamer Bio was chosen to highlight the importance of the organization’s relationships with our partners, members of our community, and of course – patients. Our team aims to improve patient lives through meaningful advances in the development of new therapies and an unwavering commitment to supporting patient communities across the globe.

Our Gratitude
At Gossamer Bio, we recognize that choosing to participate in a clinical study is a big decision, requiring both time and commitment. The Gossamer Team extends our sincerest THANK YOU to all patients, and caregivers, who have participated in a clinical trial – without your participation, advancements in research would not be possible!

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) is a rare and chronic disease characterized by narrowing of the blood vessels in the lung, making it more difficult for blood to adequately flow from the heart to the lungs and disrupting one’s regular blood flow. This disruption prevents the lungs from receiving enough oxygen, putting extra strain on one’s heart, and making it harder to pump blood through the lungs and deliver oxygen.

Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Interstitial Lung Disease (PH-ILD)
Pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial lung disease (PH-ILD) includes PH related to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) & PH related to connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease (CTD-ILD). It is characterized by pulmonary vascular pathology associated with PH, in addition to thickening & scarring of the lung interstitium resulting from ILD.

The PROSERA study is a phase 3 clinical research study of seralutinib in adults with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH).
PROSERA Study on clinicaltrials.gov
More Information about PROSERA
Open-label Extension Study of Seralutinib in Adult Subjects With PAH (PROSERA-EXT)
This open-label extension study will evaluate the long-term safety, tolerability and efficacy of orally inhaled seralutinib in subjects who have completed a previous seralutinib study.
PROSERA-EXT Study on clinicaltrials.gov
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The TORREY study has been completed and Gossamer Bio reported topline data in December 2022, showing that seralutinib (AKA GB002) had a statistically significant impact on hemodynamics (PVR), right heart structure and function, and important biomarkers of PAH disease severity (e.g., NT-proBNP). Read more about the TORREY results here.
Open-label Extension Study of Seralutinib in Adult Subjects With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)
This open-label extension study will evaluate the long-term effects of seralutinib in subjects who previously participated in a seralutinib PAH study.
PAH Open Label Extension Study on clinicaltrials.gov
Request More Information About Open-Label Extension Study
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